
Showing posts from March, 2022

Exploring the Concepts of CNF AND DNF

1-Abdulrahman Al Odaini, 7-Rahul Baviskar, 8-Vedang Bhange, 17-Umesh Gaikwad, 23-Akash Hedau Index: Definition Significance The Difference How do you calculate DNF and CNF Understanding with Example Converting DNF to CNF Application/Uses of CNF and DNF Conclusion Introduction to CNF and DNF CNF and DNF are basically Boolean functions which help in converting any logical expression in the form of conjunction or disjunction. The acronyms itself are quite self-explanatory i.e., conjunctive normal form(CNF) and Disjunctive normal form(DNF). CNF and DNF are one of the important tools in discrete mathematics used to simplify various complex logical expressions in the case of Implication and negation statements. CNF and DNF are important applications in the domain such as automated theorem proving and In circuit theory. It has also some vivid applications in designing some of the complicated electric circuits and also in hardware design. In order to g...